" Dreams and distractions"

I always want to have a very perfect schedule. Many of us, actually all of us want to have a well-organized study schedule but it always becomes a chaotic(disordered) schedule because we couldn't contest(oppose) our distractions. 

Our brain has the vigour(robustness, strength) to avoid that disturbing thing but when we saw a WhatsApp notification we feel it surreal(unreal) to avoid reading that message. No matter how unimportant that message is. 

We are now habitual to be distracted that's why our brain can't withstand(hold out against) at the time of distraction. 

If we want to retreat(withdraw) from that habit, we have to give some time to our brain so that it could think that which is more important to do at the same time, to watch entertaining things, or to practice for your goal.

That short time of thinking will mount(increase) up your concentration and you will be no more so vulnerable(endangered) for distractions. 

Before wasting time on social media just think for a while and you will found a new habit improving in yourself of spurning(decline) unnecessary things and talks. 


You are the one who designed your dreams, you have the responsibility to take care of them. These small distractions are to snap(break) your dreams. 

So choose your dreams over that distractions. Choose your study material over the unnecessary garbage of social media.  

- अन्तस्